2012: Spring

Spring 2012

December 10, 2012
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Discussing the Traveling Exhibition

February 24, 2012

Today we met to discuss our progress and to start working on the design for the traveling exhibit.  We were joined by Stephan Klein who was curious to see how we were progressing.  We discussed the pros and cons of using an exhibit system and the logistics involved.  We started thinking about the sequence of […]

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Presentation at RAA

February 17, 2012

Today we presented our progress at Ralph Appelbaum and Associates.  Our presentation included updates on our website and blog, research on precedent websites, participatory experiences, and traveling exhibitions.

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The Bolechow Questionnaire

February 14, 2012

The questionnaire is ready to go!  Here is our final design for the questionnaire that will be available on our blog site.  It is directed towards Galician Jews that have objects they would like to be incorporated in the Bolechow Synagogue Museum.

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The Bolechow Heritage Project Blog is Live!

February 10, 2012

Our first initiative to collect people’s stories and photography is through our project blog. We hope the blog becomes a forum and a place for Bolechow descendants and anyone who has memories of the town to connect and tell their stories.  Here they can share memories, and photographs of artifacts from the area.  The blog […]

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Site Visit

February 7, 2012

This week we went to visit the site of the performance.  It will be taking place on May 9th at The Mary Louis Academy in Jamaica.  While there we took field measurements and photographed the space so we could construct a model back in studio.  The model will allow us to play around with the […]

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Memorial Inspiration

February 3, 2012

This year our studio has teamed up with the exhibition design firm, Ralph Appelbaum Associates.  Today they gave us a presentation on memorials of various types from artistic representations to actual museums. During this project we have been going back and forth about how much of the story to “memorialize” to remember the lost and […]

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First Client Meeting

February 1, 2012

Yesterday the BHP team met with Stephan Klein and the President, Treasurer and Secretary of the Bolechow Jewish Heritage Society. We presented preliminary research and suggested that this project become a vehicle to raise awareness about the extinguished Jewish community of Bolechow and to give the BJHS tools that they need to further raise awareness […]

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Beginning the Design of the Traveling Exhibit

January 27, 2012

After our meeting with Stephan, our group met with Jon Otis and our assistant professors from Ralph Appelbaum Associates, Brook and Rosanna. We discussed our meeting with Stephan and how he expressed the difficulty of this project to be built at the synagogue in Bolechow. Our group then discussed the great potential for a traveling […]

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January 24, 2012

January 24, 2012

This week the EDI team met with Stephan Klein. Stephan had talked with us about the proposed project in detail touching on topics such as; the scope of the project, the proposed site, and the end products, which we would present to our client, the Bolechow Jewish Heritage Society. The BJHS is comprised of the […]

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Bolechow Jewish Heritage Society Project Brief

January 17, 2012

Stephan Klein, former Professor at the Pratt Institute, created the EDI program in 1995. Mr. Klein contacted the current director of the program Jon Otis, to propose a project opportunity to the students. Mr. Klein had recently been traveling abroad, during which he visited the village of Bolechow, Ukraine where his family originated. Through his […]

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